The Supplemental Register is a second-tier, Trademark Register, for trademarks that are rejected from the Principal Register due to Merely Descriptive issues.
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The Supplemental Register is a second-tier, Trademark Register, for trademarks that are rejected from the Principal Register due to Merely Descriptive issues.
The three symbols that are most commonly associated with trademarks: Circle R (®), TM, and SM. Depending on the goods/services sold and the status of the trademark application with the USPTO, one or more of these marks may be appropriate.
Logos are artistic illustrations that are presented in either color or black/white form. If a trademark applicant wants to trademark the color of a logo, the application must reflect the designated colors.
The USPTO has instituted a series of new rules, designed to make the trademark application process more expedient and uniform. These rules officially took effect in February of 2020.
If part of a trademark is distinct but a different part is descriptive/generic, the applicant will need to provide a “Disclaimer” on the non-distinct aspect of the mark.